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05 Feb 2022
Digital Avatar And The Marketing Benefits
Digital Avatar Defined
Human-like bots are being studied particularly for their ability to mimic human behavior patterns in terms of Interests, Attitudes, Emotions, Wishes, Prejudices, and many other aspects.
Generally, Digital Avatars are just graphical representations of a human or user that performs a specific function. What we see on our social media platforms are 2D icons, but there are also 3D figures which majorly seen in games or any virtual world.
Even though they are a medium of entertainment many organizations have already found their way around it in different fields like healthcare, advertising, etc. The users are excited and curious to know what all is in store for them.
Healthcare Sector
Healthcare is embracing digital avatars to address disorders and chronic conditions in a more innovative way such as Autism, Hyperactivity, and Dementia.
Digital Avatars are majorly being used to teach social skills and enhance the interaction of children with autism as this will also help in developing their nature.
Advertising Department
Brands have been unable to shoot commercials due to the COVID19 pandemic. Using bobble-headed avatars as a way to engage consumers is something that has been introduced to companies following the COVID guidelines.
For example, Kamal Hassan will be releasing his new digital avatar soon with Metaverse. Earlier, Hrithik Roshan released his virtual avatar for a gaming platform.
What is the future of Digital Avatars?
The new technology of Digital Avatars changes the way how we collaborate and communicate. Digital Avatars have surely paved their way to the marketing industry as well.
Digital Avatar And The Marketing Benefits
The users are excited and curious to know what all is in store for them.
Through virtual avatars, brands strive to form a relationship with their customers and ensure a more immersive and human experience. They allow brands to become people instead of ads, making the content feel more authentic and personalized.
Let’s look at some of the ways how marketers can be benefited by Digital Avatars
Target Right Audience
Avatars are usually animated or photogenic images similar to a human look alike. These avatars provide you digital experience. They are trained in a manner where they increase the entertainment and the information value. The overall experience of users increases and provides a satisfactory experience of web-based activities.
Avatars also feature voice capabilities instead of just chat boxes. Avatars can now not only match facial expressions to what they are saying but they can also recognize speech and respond accordingly thanks to emerging technology. Researchers studied avatars' traits and attractiveness in numerous studies. Researchers have found that when consumers are involved in high-risk situations, they are likely to concentrate on the argument's content.
Expert Avatars
The effect of persuasion increases in low-involvement situations. As a result, an expert avatar would have greater effectiveness in a high-involvement setting, and an attractive avatar would have greater effectiveness in a low-involvement setting. By presenting avatars, customers may experience significantly higher levels of satisfaction, attitude, and purchase intent.
As far as purchasing outcomes are concerned, avatar similarity is important. In a sales situation, it has been shown that shared attitudes, morals, personality traits, music preferences, backgrounds, and perceptions about life positively affect the result. In order to connect with your customers, you must also define your customer avatar. You can identify who your target audience is by defining their avatar first, then tailoring your products and services to their needs and tastes.
Face Of The Business
As a brand a digital avatar presenting your business narrative can elicit comfort and personal connectivity to your brand which you may have lacked otherwise. Many avatars have already become the face of the business who potentially can answer questions to customers. These avatars are also a fun way to keep your users connected. Snapchat, who started the trend of avatars earlier uses it’s avatars to form different storylines with your snap friends avatars which have been really engaging and entertaining for the users as well. Snapchat gained it’s popularity with it’s custom avatars, which users were able to create themselves.
Like Human, Like Avatar
Brand avatars can be used by businesses and as well as individuals in order to define their own brand personas. These avatars will also ensure that your business is targeting the right audience. You will have an easier time associating with your audience if you develop your brand avatar in a way that is as human as possible. Your avatar should represent your business. Hence, you can make them look a certain way like speaking a specific language, dressed in an attire which will help you relate to your target audience.
Now that marketers have some new innovative measures to explore for their business they should definitely develop strategies around it. The idea of Digital Avatar has already been winning hearts around the world, so why not make full use of it? Facebook recently renamed itself to Meta and claimed to be a Metaverse company. The metaverse is a virtual world wherein people socialize and interact with their Digital Avatars and with this Facebook has gained new popularity all over again. As the future progresses, avatars will replace photographs and become the most important communication objects. There is no doubt the potential is endless.
If you are looking for Digital Marketing services, Cosmocrat Software Solutions is just the right place for you. Get in touch with us to leverage your business.